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LinkedIn Post Character Limit 2024

LinkedIn was started in 2017 that is used by millions of people to seek and post job opportunities. Till it has been launched there are various updates brought up by this. Here we will discuss a new update which is LinkedIn post character limit 2024 which is mainly used for content marketing to promote services and products. So now the LinkedIn company post character limit has increased which is very useful to post better content. This is a huge upgrade brought up by LinkedIn so that you can cover various aspects related to your products and services. Further in this guide, we will discuss the advantages, importance, and use of the new LinkedIn content strategy.

What Is LinkedIn Post Character Limit?

LinkedIn Post Character Limit To 3000 Characters

A LinkedIn post length is how many characters you can write on your post. Now you can create posts and share all details in 3000 characters where the previous character count was just 1300. So the word count has increased by about 500 to 600 words. Previously this word count limit was just 200 to 250 words. This is very helpful as you can write more words on your LinkedIn post.

How To Write A 3000 Character Count LinkedIn Post?

As the LinkedIn post character limit with space has increased but you must have to post quality content rather than quantity. Some of the useful aspects to writing a quality LinkedIn post are:

  • Your content should be in an easy language so that anybody can understand it
  • The post should be narrative and meaningful or not be boring to the readers
  • There must be complete content like an introduction and conclusion at the end
  • You must try to give more useful information at the start of your post
  • The post should be written in a manner that readers be engaged with that
  • Ask readers to give feedback to your LinkedIn post
  • Use formats for short content and checkout which one is best for your audience

So these are the steps that you must follow before creating a quality LinkedIn company post.

What Are The Benefits Of The New LinkedIn Company Post Character Limit?

As we have mentioned above, earlier the character count was just 1300 and now has increased to 3000. So you need to create a post with a new LinkedIn strategy.

More Creative Content

As the character count has increased so you’ve got the opportunity to bring more creativity to your LinkedIn post. Now you can add all necessary details with long texts that cover all aspects related to content marketing. But it is not necessary that you have 3000 characters, you have to use them all. If your content has more information in fewer characters then it is also worth it. Not only this you can also use emojis on your post if the word limit has not been completed.

No Need To Over-Optimize Content

Your content for the LinkedIn post should be simple and easy to read for users. Half of the time has been spent on optimizing content but this was due to less character count offered by LinkedIn. Earlier you had to use fewer words and make everything fit in it. Now you can add more words to your post.

Use More Call To Action Template

As the character limit of the LinkedIn post has increased, you can use and create new call-to-action templates. You can fit everything in this new character limit so it is best for content marketing and also saves your maximum time.

Engage Readers

Your content should be in a manner that keeps the reader engaged while reading it. There should be a content flow and text for that instead of using grammatically correct sentences you must use natural lines. With this, there will be a flow maintained while a user reads your post. With the new LinkedIn post character limit, you do not need to over-optimize your content and so there will be no interruption on the text flow.

What Is LinkedIn Video Length Limit?

The maximum video length limit to post on LinkedIn must be of 10 minutes with a 5GB file size. In case you’ve exceeded the video length then you have to edit it. We suggest Filmora 11 video editing software that provides amazing features to edit videos with ease.

What Is The Ideal Length Of A LinkedIn Post?

Here is the minimum character list to create an ideal LinkedIn post and profile:

For LinkedIn Profile

First Name20
Last Name40
Professional Headline220 (Desktop) 240 (Mobile)
Instant Message (IM)25
Vanity URL29
Website Anchor Text30
Website URL256
Phone Number25

For LinkedIn Profile Sections

Position Title100
Position Description2000
Publication Title250
Publication Description2000

For LinkedIn Content Marketing

The New LinkedIn post character limit with space is 3000 which was 1300 earlier. So now you can write 500 to 600 words for a LinkedIn company post.

Final Words: LinkedIn Post Character Limit

So this guide is all about the ideal LinkedIn post length in which we have mentioned a new LinkedIn strategy. There are 3000 characters in the LinkedIn company post character limit. So it is very helpful for content marketing as they can express more ideas and creativity into their posts. Along with this, there are some other benefits such as no more optimization, engaging readers, and much more.

What Is LinkedIn Post Character Limit Before “See More”?

The LinkedIn post character limit before the “See More” button is 145 characters. But you can create a 3000 characters post on LinkedIn.

Are Longer LinkedIn Posts Better?

Yes, you can add more details and express your ideas with more word counts. Also, it is observed that posts with longer word count perform well as compared to short content.

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